Andrew Davey has been a Trainer Coach at Educ8 since 2017. He is the founder and content writer of the Educ8 ILM workshop programs and over the years, Andrew has been responsible for continually evolving and improving materials for ILM levels, 3, 4 and 5 to help support and further aid the learner journey.
In a pre-Covid-19 world, workshops were delivered in group form within a classroom environment. However, due to the unprecedented pandemic, workshop delivery was encouraged to evolve into a flexible, user-friendly digital platform, transforming how Educ8 as an organisation delivers effective, high quality learning to its apprenticeship learners.
Here, Andrew gives us his thoughts on digital delivery.
1) How have learners adapted to using online resources?
All of the feedback I’ve received so far has been glowing. Our face to face workshops have been replaced by a video conference introduction, with the opportunity to meet and greet, network and ask questions. Using screen share, I help them navigate our Moodle platform to the resources they require, then provide additional support throughout the day as and when they need it. Where possible too, games and exercises used in a face to face workshop have been adapted for them to do them alone, at home.
It is due to this that many comment on the flexibility of the program, with many expressing amazement that we’re still continuing to do them.
We have the full spectrum of learners – some are on furlough, some are working from home, some are self-isolating, some are even in the process of changing jobs! There is an element of normality in all of this they relish, as times are challenging.
2) What have the benefits been to digital learning as opposed to face-to face?
The ease of use of the technology we’re using. The workshops are run via Smart Assessor, which is an application the learners already know as it is the software application we use to store their portfolio of work. That aside, there is additional flexibility in the conference room is supported by Zoom, so there is direct URL link also.
We always promote stretch and challenge, but I’ve seen this come into its own with many learners asking if they can take a look at all the other material on the Moodle. Some have even made a start on additional units. The question asks about the benefits, but I see them as complimentary. I’m there to answer questions and provide guidance, rather than them left alone to their own devices.
3) What platforms are working particularly well?
I find that the Smart Assessor Smart Rooms work particularly well. The Smart Rooms are a videoconferencing technology in the portfolio application we use to store a learner’s evidence as they work towards the completion of their qualification. Professional discussions can be recorded via the video call, and immediately saved in the portfolio and marked against the relevant learning outcomes.
Another platform that works well is Moodle. This is our new online learning library. It contains all the models and theories we expect the learner to become acquainted with as they progress through their qualification, along with many external resources and links for additional reading. This appeals to all learning styles; and also contains some exclusive content.
The Educ8 Group incorporating ISA Training, offer Apprenticeship programmes across South Wales to organisations of all types and sizes in the following subject areas:
For further information, please email enquiries@educ8training.co.uk or call 01443 749000 or visit www.educ8training.co.uk