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My Journey in Curriculum Development and Project Management at Educ8 Training

We recently caught up with our Curriculum Development team leader Lisa Beecham who tells about her experience of completing our Level 4 Project Management apprenticeship. No stranger to studying apprenticeships Lisa has studied a total of four apprenticeships including Digital Learning Practitioner, Level 5 Management, and Business Admin during her career.

First learner to complete project management

I’ve worked in the work-based learning sector for 25 years working for a number of different training providers. I’ve been with Educ8 training for just over two years where my role involves leading our content developers to create e-learning for our learner Moodle. I manage projects on a monthly basis where we update or add new content to our qualifications for our learners to learn on demand.

In November 2022, I started the Project Management apprenticeship which at the time was a new qualification being offered at Educ8 Training. I am proud to be the first to complete the qualification.

Refining my skills

In terms of my project management experience, I have undertaken my own research and have taught myself to manage projects autonomously in various roles. However, undertaking the project management qualification has validated my existing practices and helped refine them. Being able to study and complete the qualification was a really nice way of proving that what I was doing was the right thing.

The biggest thing that I’ve taken from it is tools like the risk assessment and RACI Matrix. The risk assessment I think has been one of the tools that I never used before that I use all the time now. Whereas before I would be very much at the mercy of whatever might go wrong, I’m now prepared by risk assessing and contingency planning.  

Studying project management has enhanced my project delivery, improved my leadership abilities, and strengthened my communication and collaboration skills.

Assessments and support

My Trainer Coach, Kevin O’Brien, provided invaluable guidance and support throughout my qualification. We met monthly online to discuss my current projects, explore various topics, and complete evidence-based assessments. We would also have discussions about things so we would line up a topic and then we would chat about it. There was some report writing to complete and case studies of how I’ve completed certain things in my practise.

There were eleven units in total. The biggest one was Principles of Project Management which ran through the duration of the qualification. It covered all the theory and the documentation for project management, why it’s used and how to use it.

I have two children and a husband who works shifts so balancing everything was a challenge. You have to plan and have the motivation to work on your qualification outside of your job. There’s not necessarily always space in the day to fit the study aspect in so for me, I planned half hour slots at the end of my working day to work on my qualification and around also in the evening around family commitments.

The flexibility provided by Educ8 Training’s Moodle platform was crucial, allowing me to study during times which were convenient to me.

Career progression through apprenticeships

I studied my college HND many years ago but reflecting on my career I think the thing that’s helped me get all the jobs and developed my career the most in the last 25 years have been apprenticeships. These qualifications have opened so many doors for me and allowed me to progress and advance within work-based learning.

Study project management with us: Project Management – Educ8 (

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